Installing DVBlast 1.1 on Fedora 12

Ok, this one is to install DVBlast from

#log into your server using the root account
cd /tmp #change to the working directory
wget #download DVBlast
tar -xf dvblast-1.1.tar.bz2 #decompress the software
cd dvblast-1.1 # change working directory
yum -y install kernel-devel gcc # download the latest kernel sources
vi Makefile
#edit the kernel sources path to /usr/src/kernels/


wget #download dvbpsi
tar -xf *.gz #unzip dvbpsi
cd libdvbpsi5-0.1.6
./configure --enable-release
make # make the dvbpsi
make install # install it
cd .. # go back to DVBlast directory
make # make the DVBlast binary


# enjoy the binary

Here are some frequencies in Germany